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Gratefully supported by:

Here at Haworth RDA, we rely 100% on donations and endless fundraising events to keep our riding school running. We are extremely grateful to the vast number of individuals, other charities, trusts and local businesses that have helped raise funds and donated to us in the past and those that continue to do so today.

Our ten horses cost approximately £12000 per year to keep. This includes food, bedding and vet bills.


Our core running costs are supported by a grant from the Big Lottery - Reaching Communities Grant in 2008. However, we also rely heavily on the continued funding support from others and the many volunteers and staff who continually raise funds for us.

If you would like to make a donation please make cheques payable to:

Haworth RDA.


If you would like to speak to one of the team about making a donation or about a fundraising idea please contact Jane at


Donate to Haworth RDA via Text

To make a text donation, text HRDA01 and the Amount you'd like to donate

£1, £2, £3, £4, £5 and £10

to 70070.


'HRDA £10' - To donate £10

JustTextGiving is a free service. There is no cost to you for sending the text message and your free allowance/bundle will not be affected - the only charge will be the donation itself. What's more, 100% of your text donation (including Gift Aid) will be sent to the charity.

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Haworth RDA | 01535 649448 | Registered Charity: CIO 1177287 | Vale Mill Lane Stables, Keighley BD22 0EF 

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